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How Old is Your Dog Really?

How Old is Your Dog Really?

Recently I decided to research dog age after running into a woman who described her Golden as old. When I inquired about the dog’s age I learned he was only 8 years old. In comparison I have a 55 pound dog who is 7 years old. I would never describe him as old, not even on his way to being old. But should I?

Why Choose Freeze-Dried Dog Chews?

There seems to be more and more freeze-dried dog chews on the market today. But why? What exactly is freeze-drying; and why should I choose freeze-dried dog chews for my dog? The many advantages of freeze-dried dog chews is discussed as well as other useful information consumers should know. Learn more at GREAT DOGS -

Tendon Chews for Dogs

Looking for one of the healthiest, tastiest and coveted dog chews available?  Look no further as Tendon Chews for dogs is it! What's so great about Tendon Chews for dogs you ask? For starters, Tendon Chews are easily and fully digestible making them a much safer alternative to rawhide chews which are not fully digestible. Tendon chews are tough fibrous bands of connective tissue that attach muscles to bones. They are rich in collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate and elastin. The fibrous texture makes them great at cleaning teeth while maximizing chewing pleasure. The best tendons for dogs come from large animals such as cattle and bison. Learn more at GREAT DOGS -


Artificial Preservatives in Dog Food

Dogs really have no choice but to eat whatever is put in front of them. And as such, it's really important for dog owners to ensure that the food and chews they are feeding their dogs are healthy and safe, especially since most dogs eat pretty much the same thing day after day, often twice a day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. Learn what you need to know about artificial preservatives commonly found in commercial dog food and chews at GREAT DOGS -



Dog Treats Made in the USA Only - Quality - Not Always?

Most US dog owners are familiar with the all too familiar reports of foreign dog chews and food harming and even killing dogs. Loving dog owners would never purposefully give their dogs potentially deadly chews. But, are you doing so unwittingly? Learn more at GREAT DOGS -